Wednesday, June 5, 2002

My Life is a Mess

Really. I wouldn't make this sort of thing up. Now I'll admit that even in its present state, my life is still better than a lot of other people out there, but here it's all about me.

I'm working on getting things in order and preferably better than they were before. I've been out of work since March 20th, broke up with my partner of 4 1/2 years, and as of today, am without a permanant place to live. So my options are pretty open right now. In some ways, all these options are daunting and make it harder to just do something. I can't dawdle too long otherwise I can add being pursued by bill collectors to my list.

Today feels like the begining more than it did before. I still have all these loose ends to tie up, but I'm starting from scratch now. I'm actually a little excited by this all. I don't let that out too much, but I am. Mostly I'm nervous, scared, angry, restless and occasionally depressed. I'm ready to move on, so getting motivated and keeping it going is what's on my mind today. Since I'm rarely able to focus on one thing without distraction, you'll be able to share in the myriad of thoughts I have at any one time. Today, I'm just keeping it simple. and short.

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